Our Team

Gants Hill Smiles Dental

Our principle dentist: Dr Amlani

After her graduation in 2000, Dr Amlani has practiced in many dental surgeries around London, acquiring a lot of experience over the years.
She is qualified to do all complex treatments such as complex wisdom teeth extractions, root canal treatments and other surgical operations.
She performs a range of treatments from simple gum treatments and cleaning to straightening, whitening and more complex smile makeovers and is also fully qualified to perform anti-wrinkle treatments.

Our Hygienist: Rose

Rose qualified as a dental hygienist at the University of Essex and had worked at several practices accross London and Essex. She is passionate about dental hygiene and is always looking to learn things to further her knowledge and provide optimum treatment to all of her patients.
During your appointment, she will tailor the dental hygiene treatment to each individual need as well as provide oral hygiene instruction and advice to help improve oral health.

Our Dental Nurses and Receptionists

Malvina and Kamilia are committed to working with you and your family to create a comfortable, stress-free and rewarding dental experience every time you visit our practice.